Contact us

For any inquiries, questions, or business collaborations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us (contact us):


Phone: +96-4-750-927-0330 and +91-99021-62279 and +98-912-490-6389 and +98-913447-6-297]

هیچ شماره ای بجز شماره های ذکر شده معتبر نیست.
دفتر ایران آقای مهندس متین پاشا: +98-9134476298 و +98-9124906389
دفتر عراق آقای مهندس میثم پاشا :+964-7509270330

Note: No number other than the listed numbers is valid.

Iran Office Mr. Engineer Mateen Pasha: +98-9134476298 and +98-9124906389

Iraq office of Mr. Engineer Meysam Pasha: +964-7509270330

Business Office Address:
NO.5, Tower B, Waves Aveno towers, 100 metri street,Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq


At PNP, our commitment goes beyond simply meeting your raw material requirements. We take pride in producing top-tier petrochemical products that adhere to rigorous international standards. Our dedication extends further – we aim not only to fulfill your needs but also to transform you into a steadfast partner, unwaveringly supporting you along your journey. As you navigate the landscape of industry demands, allow us to stand by your side as a dependable ally (Contact us).

We value your feedback and are eager to assist you with our dedicated team of professionals. Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll be delighted to help in any way we can. Thank you for considering PASHA NARMAN PETROLEUM (PNP) for your petrochemical needs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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  2. Click the LinkedIn Icon: Look for the LinkedIn icon on our website’s main page.
  3. Hit “Follow”: Give it a click, and you’re officially part of our informed community.

Remember, knowledge is power, and with Pasha Nariman Petroleum’s LinkedIn page, you hold the power of knowledge in your hands.

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